Product Listing Ads

Product Listing Ads are search ads including detailed information about the product, e.g. image, merchant name, price, etc. No additional ad text or keywords needed. If potential customer enters a search query relevant to one of Your products, Your product item and store will be seen in the results at Google and Bing, and their shopping websites.

Would Product Listing suit Your Business?

Outsearching clients having any e-commerce based business, often appreciate high rates of return using Product Listing Ads. Product Listing Ads suit Your business the best if You are using Google Merchant Feed or Bing Shopping for product promotion.

Is Outsearching working with Product Listing Ads?

Product Listing ads field is new and constantly changing. Outsearching team has all the necessary skills and experience to help You taking full advantage of Your Product Listing Ads. We will help You using all the possibilities to setup and maintain such platforms as Google, Yahoo! and Bing as they are providing different ways of listing product feed into their search and shopping results.

What is Product Listing Ads?

When someone is searching for products at Google, Yahoo! and Bing, Product Listing Ads are being shown to him in the search results. Please find the example below:
